Saturday, October 17, 2009

I ate.....

Last night I went out to eat with some friends and I am very proud to report that I ate not one, but three pieces of cow tongue.  Yes, that is right I put cow tongue in my mouth :)  The first bite I had tasted awful, because I dipped the tongue in some mysterious sauce I was given.  Of course, after eating it, Kyle told me it was made from fermented fish.  We all know how I feel about fish :( so you can only imagine how I feel like ground up fermented fish sauce...blah!  Just thinking about it now makes me feel a little ill.  The cow tongue on its own wasn't that bad.  Its not as chewy as a I thought it would be.  It tasted a little bit like what a wet dog smells like, but not strong enough to make it gross.  I'm still working up the courage to eat a tarantula.  Bandol told me that the legs are fine, but the body is kind of like eating a gusher.  I'm not sure how I feel about that.  Perhaps I will just eat the legs.  I will keep you posted.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

um pimm. I just puked in my mouth. But that is exciting. love you and miss you!