Sunday, April 13, 2008

Happy New Year

I should quit waiting so long in between my blogs, because by the time I go to write one I have so much to tell and don't know where to start.  Since school started I have mostly been focused on lesson planning.  I have a new found respect for all teachers; I had no idea how much work went into planning just one lesson.  I give all teachers major props.  It is a good thing that I love my students so much, or I would really be miserable.  My students are all so wonderful, I want to teach them everything.  They make me so motivated, because I want every lesson to be perfect.  All the students are so sweet and respectful.  They are such beautiful people.  
Ok, I will stop gushing about all my students, and making all the other teachers out there jealous.  Instead I will tell you about the school fair I went to on Saturday.  Well, mostly I will tell you about sugar cane juice and "ring the duck".  I tried sugar can juice for the first time.  At first, when I got my glass, I was skeptical.  It is the color of ditch water and I don't remember it having a scent.  In all actuality it is quite good.  I think it tastes like sweetness and fresh grass.  Now I am sure you are all curious about ring the duck.  So at the fair they had booths set up with different games to play; just like any other fair.  Amy told me to check out the ring the duck game so, of course, I go have a looksee.  I walk up and there is a pen with about 5 live ducks huddled in the corner and a man throwing a wooden ring at them.  You were supposed to ring a live duck.  Where is PETA when you need them :)   
Today started as any normal school day does.  I barely got out of bed in time to forgo a shower and make myself some toast and coffee before I hurried downstairs to teach my first class.  Things went relatively well, except one of my students was having some trouble coping with being away from home.  It was so difficult, because I knew she had sooo much to say, but she just didn't have the English.  It broke my heart not being able to comfort her the way I wanted too.  That, combined with a lack of sleep and too much lesson planning, made me quite cranky by the end of the school day.  After moping around for a couple hours I went on a cleaning rampage (crazy...I know).  I cleaned my bedroom, cleaned the bathroom, swept and mopped the floors, and then proceeded to shower.  All so totally out of character, must be in stage two of culture shock.  Anywho, I was feeling much better after my cleaning spree when Katherine came home and told me that there was a dance party; "like spring break minus the guys".  Of course if there is dancing I am so there, so Amy and I ventured down stairs.  We were met with a swarm of students pulling us into the cafeteria where even more girls were dancing.  It was so incredibly hot.  I don't know if I have ever been that hot.  All the windows were open and the fans were on, but I couldn't tell.  It didn't matter because the students were having soooo much fun.  It was crazy.  We danced with the students for two hours and right before midnight we were herded into another room that contained a table covered with flower petals and lots of balloons.  At midnight the students started popping the balloons, which were full of glitter, and throwing petals all over the place.  I so cannot do the moment justice with my words.  There was singing and glitter and flower petals, it was amazing.  I will say, Bangladeshis know how to bring the new year in right.  LOVED IT!!!!
I do believe the excitement, from the nights festivities, is wearing off and I am getting sleepy.  Please excuse any grammatical errors.  I was so excited I just wanted to write and get it all out there.  Bye until next time.

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